
编辑:admin / 发布时间:2015-06-15 / 阅读:551

  op Rental Equipment Companies of 2014
  It was a strong growth year for the RER 100, not unexpected given the general improvement in the construction economy. Overall, the total rental volume of the RER 100 topped $17.7 billion and grew 15 percent compared to 2014. While the equipment rental industry is still fragmented in many ways, the 100 largest companies accounted for close to half of the industry’s volume.
  Not every rental company increased its rental volume in 2014. Seven RER 100 companies reported rental volume decreases, although a few of those companies increased total revenues. But, the vast majority of RER 100 companies increased rental volume and some of the jumps were dramatic.
  Cooper Equipment Rental nearly doubled its rental volume, although acquisitions played a role. Leppo Group’s rental volume spiked more than 50 percent; Sims Crane & Equipment jumped more than 40 percent and seven companies had increases of more than 30 percent (Louisiana Rents, 4 Rivers Equipment, B&G Equipment & Supply, Illinois Truck & Equipment, F&M Mafco, Roland Machinery and Champion Rentals. More than a dozen others grew rental volume more than 20 percent and many others were in the high teens .
  库珀设备租赁公司虽然并购对租赁业务量增长起到了助推作用,但是其租赁业务量翻了近一番。力宝集团租赁业务量飙升超过50%;西姆斯起重机与设备公司租赁业务量增长40%,7个公司租赁业务量增长超过30%(路易斯安那租赁公司、四河设备、B&G设备及供应公司、伊利诺斯卡车及设备公司、F&M Mafco、罗兰机械、冠军租赁)超过一打公司租赁业务量增长了20%,还有许多公司租赁业务量还在其发展初期。
  While projections look good for 2015, with strong optimism for the most part, there are some concerns ahead. Although low oil prices are a “net positive” for many rental companies, with lower operating costs outweighing whatever business is lost to the sector, many others draw significant portions of their revenues from the oil-and-gas market and will find that segment difficult to replace. Another concern is that many companies will continue to transfer assets into more traditional non-residential construction realms, creating a downward pressure on rental rates. With original equipment costs continuing to spiral upward as a result of Tier 4 and rental companies already finding it impossible to raise rental rates enough to compensate for those increased costs, more severe competition is not a welcome development.
  2015年租赁业前景乐观,在大部分方面发展向好的情况下,也隐藏着危机。尽管低油价给许多租赁公司带来“正能量”,该行业任何企业都追求低运营成本,但是许多企业的绝大部分收益都有赖于石油和天然气市场,他们会发现这是难以取代的。另一个担忧是,许多公司继续将资产转移到更传统的非住宅建筑领域,这就给租赁费率带来下行压力。由于Tier 4标准致使原始设备成本继续成螺旋式上升,租赁公司意识到租赁费率不能上涨到足以弥补上升的成本,更加激烈的竞争也是不讨喜的发展趋势。
  Nonetheless, 2014 was indeed a record-setting year for the RER 100 and most indications are that the next couple of years will continue the upward trend . Many rental companies laid the foundation for these successes a few years ago by improving operational efficiencies, streamlining and fine-tuning their business practices and methodologies, modernizing their software and professionalizing their business practices. They had to re-structure to survive the recession and the uncertain atmospheres that followed it. After downsizing fleets during the recession, most rental companies have shown remarkable discipline in replenishing their fleet as business returned. Rental companies appear determined to avoid past mistakes, to not become over-leveraged, to not over-invest, and to expand in a disciplined manner. And as typically occurs in an upswing, many rental companies are now growing their staffs, looking to train new personnel and again confronting the challenge of finding qualified drivers and mechanics.
  For the most part, the majority of RER 100 owners remain optimistic that the growth cycle will continue for at least the next couple of years. Non-residential construction markets are improving, multi-family housing is good and single-family may be picking up. Oil and gas is uncertain, but even there most rental company owners say their customers are busy and optimistic. Everybody knows business is cyclical, but for now the rental industry seems to be in the good arc of that cycle.
  翻译:中国租赁联盟、天津滨海融资租赁研究院 张媛
  编审:中国租赁联盟、天津滨海融资租赁研究院 季健霞

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