
编辑:admin / 发布时间:2015-04-01 / 阅读:719

  Century Tokyo Leasing (USA) Launches Aviation Finance Unit
  Century Tokyo Leasing (USA) Inc. is pleased to announce the opening of its new aircraft finance unit in Centennial, Colorado, effective April 1, 2015.


  From this office, CTUSA will develop its commercial aircraft finance platform for the U.S. marketplace, following in the footsteps of its parent company Century Tokyo Leasing Corporation (Japan) which has a reputation as a key player in Asian and other foreign aviation-finance markets.
  CTUSA设立飞机融资事业部为美国市场建立商用飞机融资平台,旨在跟随母公司稳居亚洲和其他国外航空租赁市场的佼佼者的脚步,在美国航空市场发挥重要作用。Managing the Colorado office will be Keijiro (Kei) Yokoyama and Keita Sekiguchi, Deputy General Manager and Manager, respectively, of the Century Tokyo Aviation Finance Division. The two have many years’ experience in developing, underwriting and structuring aviation-finance transactions around the globe.
  由东京世纪航空融资部门的Keijiro (Kei) Yokoyama和Keita Sekiguchi分别出任副总经理和总经理,共同掌管科罗拉多事业部。Keijiro (Kei) Yokoyama和Keita Sekiguchi二人在全球的开发、承销、建构航空融资贸易方面有丰富的经验。
  “I could not be more pleased with this opportunity to enter the U.S. aviation market”, said Tiger Ogawa, President of CTUSA. “Our parent company has developed a solid reputation as a provider of financial solutions to the most sophisticated of global aviation businesses. CTUSA’s move into this arena with an experienced team of executives has created a great deal of excitement in our organization, in New York, Ireland and in Tokyo”.
  CTUSA总裁Tiger Ogawa认为,他对公司此次登陆美国航空市场表示非常高兴。母公司在为最精细的全球民航企业提供融资方案方面拥有良好信誉。经验丰富的主管团队携CTUSA强势入驻美国航空舞台,也为设在纽约、爱尔兰和东京的机构打了一剂强心针。Established in 1985, CTUSA finances and leases various types of equipment for commercial, industrial and corporate customers including I.T./systems, construction and industrial machinery, machine tools, healthcare equipment, office products, and commercial vehicles.
  CTUSA成立于1985年,为商业、工业和公司客户提供形式多样的设备融资与租赁服务,其中包括I.T.系统、建筑和工业机械、机床、医疗设备、办公用品和商用车辆。Headquartered in Tokyo, CTL Japan is a publicly-traded company that offers a full range of financing and leasing services for, among others, the I.T., automobile-leasing, real estate, shipping, healthcare, environmental energy, and aircraft markets.
  资料来源:Equipment Finance Advisor
  翻译:天津滨海融资租赁研究院  张媛
  编审:天津滨海融资租赁研究院  海天

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