
编辑:admin / 发布时间:2015-05-27 / 阅读:564

  Funding Source Roundtable: Leasing Companies Aim for Growth Acceleration in 2015
  编者按:Ascentium Capital位于美国休斯顿,微软作为主要投资人,承诺股权1.05亿美元。主要业务是为寻求购买资本设备的企业提供灵活的融资租赁方案;Padco Financial Services成立于1963年美国设备融资业最好的独立经纪公司和小额融资公司之一;Financial Pacific Leasing是安快银行的子公司,主要通过与美国和加拿大的第三方和租赁公司合作向需要新的或者二手设备的企业提供5000美元到100000美元的小额商业设备租赁业务。
  The equipment leasing and financing industry is on more solid footing since the U.S. recession ended in 2009. While business may not be as robust as it was prior to the economic downturn, it has certainly improved for the respective companies of the equipment leasing and financing executives who participated in Monitor’s annual roundtable discussion.
  What can the equipment leasing and financing industry expect in terms of deal flow, funding sources, credit quality and potential challenges in 2015?
  Looking ahead, the lending environment is expected to continue improving as the economy continues to progress. In February, the Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundations Monthly Confidence Index was 66.3, a slight increase from the three-year high reached by the January index of 66.1. Amid this positive outlook, the three executives assembled for this year’s roundtable discussion agree it is best to remain cautious as they seek to capture more market share.
  Bob Fisher, senior vice president of Ascentium Capital; Jim Padden, CEO and president of Padco Financial Services; and Paul Menzel, CEO and president of Financial Pacific Leasing, an indirect provider of small-ticket commercial equipment leases, they offer their views on deal flow, funding sources and credit quality, and as provide some tips on how brokers can improve their odds of getting a deal done in today  slending environment.
  Ascentium Capital高级副总裁Bob Fisher,Padco Financial Services首席执行官、总裁Jim Padden,Financial Pacific Leasing(提供小额商业设备租赁业务)首席执行官、总裁Paul Menzel,三人提出了对于交易流、筹资渠道、信用质量的看法,以及为经纪人如何在现今借贷环境下提高借贷成功几率提供一些建议。
  Existing Sources and New Market Entrants Help Increase Deal Flow Activity
  On the deal flow side, all three roundtable participants credited their increased level of activity from a year ago to more deal flow from existing sources and an increase in the number of origination sources. Transaction flow continues to increase for Ascentium Capital from early 2015 compared to last year, primarily from expanding its business with existing lessors, third-party originators and their programs.
  “Our whole mission is to create synergies with our finance partners and develop effective programs that enable them to capture more opportunities with their customers and vendors,” says Fisher.
  在交易流方面,三名圆桌会议参与者都认为一年前业务量是由现存资源和原始资源增加促成的交易流增加而实现发展的。与去年相比,2015年初Ascentium Capital的交流持续增长,主要得益于发展与现有租赁公司、第三方组织和项目之间的业务。Fisher认为,我们的使命是与融资合作伙伴协同发展,开发行之有效的项目,促成他们与客户之间,与供应商之间更多合作机会。
  The number of lessors isn’t a driving force; rather, Ascentium prefers to find and grow strategic business relationships with lessors that seek to bring value to their customers. As a result, Fisher says the company is actively looking for additional sources, but in the context of diversification and strategic opportunities where it can assist its lessors in expanding their market share.
  Padco Financial Services also saw a slight increase in its annual volume, mostly due to deal flow from existing sources. “Our average deal size certainly creeped up a bit,” says Padden. “As a small ticket funder, we did more large deals last year than usual. In fact, the independent brokers we tended to do less business with became even less frequent.”
  Padco Financial Services的年交易额也稍有增长,主要由于现有资源使交易流增加。Padden认为其平均交易量的确稍有增长。作为小额融资者,其公司去年比平常做了更大的交易。事实上,他们已尝试降低与独立经纪人合作频率。
  Menzel, credits his company’s 79% increase in deal flow activity to Umpqua Bank, which acquired Financial Pacific in July 2013. “There was a huge lift in activity once we became part of Umpqua Bank,” he says. “We have had a tremendous growth period over the last 18 months where we doubled the size of our company in terms of assets. In addition, we have seen a steady increase in deal flow activity from existing sources we have done business with for over 20 years, as well as new entrants in the market.”
  Menzel认为,他公司交易流79%的增长归结于2013年7月安快银行收购了Financial Pacific。他认为:“当我们被安快银行收购后,业务量有很大的提升。在过去的18个月里,公司实现巨大发展,公司资产翻了一番。此外,包括与我们合作20余年的老公司和新公司在内的现有资源促使交易流稳步增长。”
  Increased Levels of Activity Expected in 2015
  Ascentium is anticipating higher levels of activity this year to continue its upward momentum and expects certain sectors to finally seek and implement equipment upgrades this year. “This includes new acquisitions of technology equipment and also transportation,” says Fisher. “The service sector will continue to drive the need for equipment replacement and additional opportunities. We look at 2015 as a year of moderate growth, but with a cautious eye.”
  Padden also expects higher levels of activity for his company this year. “We were seeing higher levels of activity, and we’re hoping that trend will continue. We all need to grow. It seems as if the economy has been treading waters for years. Several sectors where we see new demand are in small and used machine tooling, technology equipment as well processing kinds of equipment.”
  Financial Pacific Leasing’s higher level of activities this year will be fueled by economic growth, notes Menzel, with consumer confidence being the biggest driver. “Top line revenue growth is finally occurring in small businesses,” says Menzel. “What’s holding people back is confidence that the economy has rebounded. We also need them to shed those psychological fears and deep-seated scars on employment and housing dislocation during the recession. It’s taking a long time to heal those wounds. I think people have decided to hunker down and try to do without borrowing until they feel confident.”
  Menzel认为经济发展是近几年Financial Pacific Leasing高水平业务活动的助燃剂,消费信心是Financial Pacific Leasing发展的最大动力。他认为:“公司净利增加多发生在小企业中。阻碍人们的是经济回弹的信心。我们需要他们摆脱经济衰退期对失业和房屋移置的心理恐惧和创伤。治愈这些伤害需要很长时间。我认为人们在信心满满之前会保持低调或者在没有贷款的情况下尝试。”
  That confidence will come from top line revenue growth, says Menzel. Once the average consumers become confident about their real estate and job situation, the economy will only get stronger. “I think we finally turned a corner and some people are starting to spend more—the gas prices have certainly helped. Once top line revenue growth for small businesses starts to grow, they are going to start investing in equipment again.”
  翻译:天津滨海融资租赁研究院 张媛
  编审:天津滨海融资租赁研究院 季健霞
