
编辑:admin / 发布时间:2016-07-26 / 阅读:491

  Leasingmarket reacts to Brexit
  In the reaction of the British population having voted toleave the EU on 23rd, leasing industry experts have warned the market to expectsome short term instability, and that the longer term future is uncertain.
  Leasing market intermediaries expressed shockat the result but stressed that the status change was to become the new normal.
  Chris Cooper, managing director at Challenge Consulting,said: "The instant reaction will be shock, surprise and uncertainty. Therewas no real sense that Leave would win, so people are still taking it in.Personally, I think it's really hard to call what will happen next. In theimmediate term, both here and EU, my best hope is that worry and fear, and Isense both this morning, will quickly subside as people get used to waking upin the new world."
  租赁中介对这一投票结果表示惊讶,但强调市场环境变化将成为新常态。Challenge Consulting常务董事Chris Cooper表示:“我的下意识反应是震惊,惊讶和不确定。没想到脱欧派会赢,然而人们还是接受了。我个人认为现阶段很难说租赁业和欧盟接下来会发生什么,我希望黎明前的担心的恐惧能够随着人们适应新常态而迅速平息。”
  Lindsay Town, chief executive officer at IAA Advisory,said that the causative effect of the vote on the political status of the Unionwith Scotland could cause difficulties for British businesses.
  IAAAdvisory 首席执行官,Lindsay Town表示,选票的对苏格兰政治形势的影响将威胁英国经济。
  "Uncertainty remains the biggest risk, far more thana status of in or out of the EU," said Town. "The uncertainty of whatleaving the EU actually means will impact Investment decisions in the nearterm. The added potential disruption of Cameron's announcement and the risk ofScottish independence rearing its head again will not be positive for the UKeconomy. Wider afield, I worry that there will be pressure from other anti EUparties in Europe that will also add to instability."
  Europeaninvestment and regulation in the UK
  Earlier this week, the European Investment Bank (EIB)announced a deal with Funding Circle to provide £100m (€130.47) of funding toUK SMEs.
  本周早些时候,欧洲投资银行(EIB)宣布为Funding Circle注资1亿英镑(130.47欧元,用于英国中小企业融资。
  A spokesman for the EIB said that the future of the EIB'sinvolvement in investment in the UK was now under question, but said anycontracts signed would "be respected".
  The EIB spokesman said: "We would expect the UKshareholding in the EIB and EIB lending in the UK to be one of many issues tobe discussed in withdrawal negotiations, and we would expect the UK to remain ashareholder in the EIB, with a 16% shareholding, until a withdrawal agreementis implemented."
  The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) warned that the votewill have significant implications for the UK, as much financial regulationcurrently applicable in the UK derives from EU legislation, and this willremain applicable until any changes are made.
  It said firms must continue to abide by their obligationsunder UK law, including those derived from EU law and continue withimplementation plans for legislation that is still to come into effect.
  But it is likely that the resources that the FCA has willnow be focused on the post-EU transformation of the UK's financial system.
  The FCA added: "The longer term impacts of thedecision to leave the EU on the overall regulatory framework for the UK willdepend, in part, on the relationship that the UK seeks with the EU in thefuture. We will work closely with the government as it confirms thearrangements for the UK's future relationship with the EU."
  The Finance & Leasing Association (FLA) also suggestedthat it will be some time before the full consequences of the vote are known.Stephen Sklaroff, director general of the FLA, said: "We are at thebeginning of what will be a long process of discussion and negotiation. As theBank of England and FCA have already emphasised, the current legal andfinancial regulatory framework for FLA members remains exactly as it was beforethe vote, and it is likely to do so for some considerable time. “The UK has a strong and resilient financial sector andthe FLA's members will continue to make a vital contribution to the economy.
  英国融资租赁协会(FLA)也认为,投票的全部后果只有过一段时间才能显现。FLA 常务会长Stephen Sklaroff认为:“漫长的讨论和谈判过程刚刚开始。英国央行和FCA已经强调,当前的法律和金融监管对于FLA成员跟投票前一样,仍然有效,而且在相当长一段时间内很有可能也这么做。”英国的金融部门强大而具有弹性,FLA的成员将继续为经济作重要贡献。
  "The FLA will work closely with the government,regulators and other stakeholders to ensure that its members' interests areproperly reflected in discussions over the coming months and years about thepossible market and regulatory consequences of the decision to leave the EU."
  Grant Thornton suggested there will be three broad phasesof reaction to Brexit: initial volatility, medium term uncertainty andinstability, and finally a longer term transition period.
  The impact of this will be different for differentorganisation, Grant Thornton warned. It advised companies: "In looking atthe threats and opportunities these create for your business, and planning howyou can create and protect value, you may wish to consider the short, mediumand long term implications for issues like people and talent, strategicambitions, financing, risk, operations and protecting investment."
  脱欧对不同组织的影响是不尽相同的。Grant Thronton建议企业:“注意脱欧对企业业务的威胁和挑战,计划如何创造和保护价值,考虑三个阶段对人,人才,战略规划,融资,风险,业务操作和保护投资等方面的影响。”
  The National Association of Commercial Finance Brokers(NACFB) agreed that immediate uncertainty. Paul Goodman, chairman of the NACFB,said: "In the wake of the Leave result, and the resignation of David Cameron,the UK is facing a period of considerable uncertainty, and small andmedium-sized businesses will not be immune. Nobody knows how the result of theEU Referendum will play out, and its ultimate impact on the economy, but choppywaters in the short-term are almost guaranteed. The political events of thepast 24 hours have the potential to shape the UK business landscape for manyyears to come. It's just impossible to know whether it will be for better orfor worse. What we shouldn't forget is that the economy is robust andemployment levels high. Managed correctly, the result of the referendum doesnot have to trigger a replay of the Global Financial Crisis. Bank of EnglandGovernor, Mark Carney, made a statement to this effect shortly after the PrimeMinister's resignation"
  商业融资经纪人协会(NACFB)也同意暂时不确定性。NAFCB会长Paul Goodman表示:“受脱欧和卡梅伦辞职的影响,英国将面临长期的不确定性,中小企业也不能免受其害。没有人知道欧盟公投的结果如何,也不知道其最终对经济的影响如何,但短期内的波涛汹涌是毫无疑问的。过去24小时的政治事件有可能影响英国今后多年的经济形势。只是不知道会更好还是更坏。我们只要记住经济强健和高就业水平就好。恰当的管理公投结果就不会再次引发全球金融危机。英国兰银行行长Mark Carney在首相辞职后做了短暂声明。”
  Challengesfor bank-backed asset finance
  Stuart Law, founder and chief executive of peer-to-peerfunding platform, Assetz Capital, said that Brexit would create a bigopportunity for its investors as he thought bank interest rates on businessloans were likely to rise, making banks less competitive.
  P2P融资平台,Assetz Capital创始人兼首席执行官Stuart Law认为,英国脱欧将为投资者创造巨大的机遇,因为银行商业贷款利率可能上升,银行竞争力下降。
  "Banks' lending volumes are now reduced and at thesame time, they are likely to lower their savings account rates evenfurther," said Law. "This will allow us to continue to grow stronglyand deliver more lending to quality businesses who can provide us with solidloan security and also deliver more interest to our lenders. "
  Law 认为:“目前银行放款量减少,同时他们可能会进一步降低储蓄存款利率。这样我们就可以继续壮大,为能保证还款的优质客户提供更多的贷款,也可以增加放款人利润。”
  Law continued: "We have lent over £120m to theBritish economy backed by what is principally strong property security atmodest loan to value, and as a result our lenders have earned approaching £12million of interest since 2013. We expect this to continue but the credit teamwill be even more careful on the quality of businesses we lend to as wenavigate the inevitable wobbles created out of the Brexit. Hard security onloans will be even more important."
  Manufacturerscite jobs at risk
  Hitachi chairman Hiroaki Nakanishi has said a Brexit wouldforce a 'rethink' of the manufacturer's operations and jobs in the UK, and thatthis view was shared by international investors such as the parentmanufacturers of leasing businesses; Siemens, GE, and Microsoft.
  Hitachi总裁Hiroaki Nakanishi表示,英国脱欧将破事制造商反思其在英国的业务和用工,而且像租赁公司的制造商母公(Siemens, GE和Microsoft.)等国际投资者也会有同样的思考。
  Nakanishi said Hitachi had invested a billion poundscreating jobs in the UK's rail and energy sectors, but that the 'critical benefitof investing in the UK' was that it was the best base for accessing theEuropean market of 500 million people.
  Nakanishi added: "There are other reasons like thesize of the UK market, availability of local and international talent and thesupport of our local communities - which is why we take a positive view of theUK inside Europe. Therefore we have our regional headquarters here and moved our global rail headquartersto London. But take away the UK's membership of the EU, and the futureinvestment case looks very different."
  Nakanishi also mentioned Nissan and Toyota's arrival inthe UK in the 1980s on the basis that if they produced cars in the UK andemployed a British workforce then they would be treated as European companies.
  Nakanishi还提到Nissan and Toyota在1980年代来到英国,是因为如果他们在英国生产汽车而且雇佣英国劳动力,那么他们将被视为欧洲公司。
  "This was only possible because Britain was insidethe EU; and so the UK car industry was revived and became an exporteragain," said Nakanishi.
  Nakanishi 说:“这些条件得以实现是因为英国是欧盟国家,也因此英国汽车业得以复苏,而且再次成为出口国。”
  According to Nakanishi, Japanese companies account for140,000 jobs in direct employment and supply chain in the UK. He said a surveyof these 140,000 employees revealed that 95% did not want to leave the EUbecause of the threat to their employment.

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